Thursday, April 30, 2015

Top Ten Week-The Most Evil People in History final part

Ivan the Terrible

The grandson of Ivan the Great, Ivan Chetvyorty Vasilyevich, was born in August 25, 1530, in the Grand Duchy of Muscovy, Russia to member of the Rurik dynasty, His father Basil III, died when he was 3 tears old. His mother, Elena Glinskaya, ruled as regent until her 1538, when Ivan was 8. During this time, the realm rapidly degenerated into chaos as rival noble families (boyar) disputed the legitimacy of her rule. The court intrigue and constant danger that Ivan was exposed ti while growing up molded much of his ruthless and suspicious nature. Evidence indicates that Ivan was a sensitive, highly intelligent boy, neglected and occasionally scorned by members of nobility who looked after him after his parents death.
The hostile environment nurtured his hatred for he nobles, whom he suspected of being involved in his mothers death. He reportedly tortured small animals as a boy, yet still managed to develop a taste for literature and music.
In1547, Ivan IV was crowned tsar Muscovy. He was the first in the history of Russia, deriving the term "tsar" from the Latin "Caesar". That same year, he married Anastasia Romanovna, who later became the great aunt of the future first tsar of the Romanov dynasty. During 1549, he appointed a council of advisers, a consensus building assembly who helped institute his reforms. During what is considered the constructive period of his reign, he introduced a self government in rural regions, reformed tax collection, and instituted statutory law and church reform. In 1556, he instituted regulations on the obligations of the boyar class in service of the crown.
In foreign policy, Ivan had two main goals, to resist the Mongol Horde, and to gain access to the Baltic Sea. Ultimately aimed to conquer all remaining independent regions and create a larger, more centralised Russia.

Ivan showing his riches

In 1552 and1556, Ivan's armies crushed the Tartar khnates of Kazan and Astrakhan. This extended Muscovy control to the Urals in the east and the Caspian sea in the south, creating a buffer zone against the Mongols. He commissioned St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow's Red Square, built between 1555 and 1561, to commemorate his success. However, he was not as successful at annexing Lithuania and gaining access to the Baltic. Despite his victories though, Ivan was starting to become less popular, due to some of his methods. He seized private lands and redistributed them among his supporters, and created a police force called the oprichnina, that existed more to crush dissent than keep the peace. Its was the first secret police of Russia.

People fleeing their town at the site of the Oprichiniki

Upon the death of his first wife in 1560, Ivan Vi went into a deep depression and his behavior became more erratic. His suspicion that had been murdered by the boyals only deepened hos paranoia. He left Moscow suddenly and threatened to abdicate the throne. Leaderless, the Muscovites, pleaded for his return. He agreed under one condition, that he would be granted absolute power of the region surrounding Moscow, known as Oprichina. He also demanded the authority to punish traitors and law breakers with execution and confiscation of property.
Over the next 24 years, Ivan conducted a reign of terror, displacing and destroying the major boyar families in his region, and earning the moniker by which he's now best known. During that period some of major atrocities took place, like beating his pregnant daughter in law, causing a miscarriage, killed his eldest son in a fit of rage when he lost a chess game, and gouged the eyes out of the architects of the St. Basil's Cathedral, so they would never replicate its beauty.

Ivan after realised he killed his son

In 1584, with his health failing, Ivan the Terrible became obsessed with death, calling upon witches and soothsayers to sustain him, but to no avail. His end came on Match 18, of the same year, when he suffered a stroke. He had willed his kingdom to his unfit son Feydor who suffered from mental illness, whose rule spiraled Russia int the catastrophic Time of Troubles, and would not recover for over half a century later.
Ivan the Terrible is responsible for nearly three decades of cruel terror. At that time he and his secret police brutally killed over 220.000 people, while mutilation and torture was reduced to a routine. An entire nation fell into anarchy for many as a result of his policies, and because of the countless executions of the nobles, the economy plummeted, and wouldn't be restored until the rise of the Romanov's to power.

Pol Pot

Saloth Sar. better known by his nom de guerre Pol Pot, was born in 1925 in the small village of Prek Sbauv, located about 100 miles north of the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh. His family was relatively affluent and owned 50 acres of rice paddy, or roughly ten time the national average. In 1934 Pol Pot moved to Phnom Penh, where he spent a year at a Buddhist monastery before attending a French Catholic school. His Cambodian education continued until 1949, when he went to Paris on a scholarship. He studied radio technology and became heavily involved in communist circles. After three failed attempts to earn a decree he returned to Cambodia in January 1953.

At that time the whole Cambodian region was revolting against French colonial rule, and officially gained its independence later that year. Pol Pot, meanwhile, joined the proto-communist Khmer People's Revolutionary Party (KPRP), which had been set up in 1951 under the auspices of the North Vietnamese. From 1956 to 1963, Pol Pot taught history, geography and French literature at a private school while simultaneously plotting a revolution.

The Khmer Rouge Cross

In 1960 Pol Pot helped to reorganise the KPRP

Once in power, Pol Pot begun a radical experiment, to create an agrarian utopia inspired by Mao Zedong's "Cultural Revolution". Mao's "Great Leap Forward" economic program included forced evacuations of  Chinese cities and the purge of "class enemies". Pol pot would now his own "Super Great Leap Forward" in Cambodia,  which he renamed the Democratic Republic of Kampuchea. He declared the Year Zero, and the "purification" of the Cambodian society. Capitalism, western culture, city life, religion, and the foreign influences were to be extinguished in favor of an extreme form of peasant Communism. All foreigners were thus expelled, embassies closed, and any foreign economic or medical assistance was refused. The use of foreign languages was banned, newspapers and television stations were shut down. Money, free markets, normal schooling, private and government property were abolished. Public schools, hospitals, pagodas, mosques, churches, universities, shops and government buildings were shut down or turned into prison, stables or granaries. Even parental authority was revoked, as Cambodia was sealed off from the outside world.

Children working at the forced labor camps

All of Cambodia's cities were forcibly evacuated. At Phnom Penh, 2.500.000 inhabitants were evacuated on foot into the country side. More than 30.000 died along the way.
Millions of Cambodian accustomed to city life were now forced into slave labor in Pol Pot's "killing fields", where soon began dying from overwork, malnutrition and disease, on a diet of one tin of rice (180 grams) per person every two days. Workdays in the fields began around 4 a.m. and lasted until 10 p. m. with only two rest periods allowed during the 18 hour day, all under the armed supervision of young Khmer Rouge soldiers eager to kill anyone for the slightest infraction. Starving people were forbidden to eat the fruits and rice they were harvesting, and after the crop was harvested, Khmer Rouge trucks would arrive and confiscate the entire crop. All work decisions were made by the armed supervisors, with no participation of from the workers, who were told "Whether you live or die, is not of great significance". every tenth day was a day of rest, and were also three days off, during the Khmer New Year festival.

Forced labor camp

Children waitin gi n line for food, 180 gramms of rice
Throughout Cambodia, deadly purges were conducted to eliminate remnants of the "old society". The educated, the wealthy, Buddhist monks, police, doctors, lawyers, teachers, and former government officials. ex-soldiers were killed along with wives and children. Anyone suspected of disloyalty to Pol Pot, including eventually many Khmer Rouge Leaders, was shot, or bludgeoned with hammers or axes. In the labor camps, unsupervised gatherings of more than two persons were forbidden, No discussions were allowed or showing the slightest affection, humor, or pity. Anyone who violated these rules was executed on the spot. Ethnic groups were attacked including the three largest minorities the Vietnamese, Chinese, and Cham Muslims, along this almost twenty other smaller groups, 50% of the estimated 430.000 Chinese living in Cambodia in 1975 perished,
Many were held in prisons, where were detained, interrogated tortured and executed. the most infamous prison in Cambodia, known as S-21, held approximately 14.000 prisoners, while in operation. Only 12 people survived.

On December 25, 1978, Vietnam launched a full-scale invasion on Cambodia, seeking to end Khmer Rouge's border attacks.On January 7, 1979, Phnom Penh fell and Pol pot was deposed and fled into the jungle. He was pleased under house arrest in 1997 by a splinter Khmer Rouge group and died in his sleep on April 15, 1998, due to heart failure, even though many suggest that he was poisoned by his wife. He was never condemned for crimes against humanity.

Democratic Kampuchea was one one of the worst human tragedies of the 20th century along with the World War II. Over 2.000.000 people died from diseases due to lack of medicines and medical services, starvation, execution, or exhaustion from overwork. Tens of thousands were made widows and orphans, and those who lived through the regime were traumatized by their experiences. Several hundred thousand Cambodians fled their country and became refugees. Millions of mines were laid by the Khmer Rouge and government forces, which led to thousands of deaths and disabilities since the 1980's. A large proportion of the Cambodian people have mental problems because their family members were lost and their spirits damaged, These factors are one of the major causes of the poverty that plagues Cambodia today.

This concludes the first "Top Ten Week" folks, and i know it wasn't really a week, but i also gotta work for a living. Also, research turned out to be far more interesting than i tough, making me deviate from my original search very often. I hope you found these post as interesting as they for me me writing them, and i know that the subject  i chose may be disturbing, but it is my belief, that we have an obligation to be aware of our history as a species. The least we can do about all these countless people that lost their lives in the hands of madmen, is to know their story.
Also, i know many of you are wondering, why i left out historic figures like, Genghis Khan, or Nero, or Himmler, or many others who could make it into this list. If you look at these post closely, you ll understand why. You too will notice the similarities and common traits these people share, in contrary to Attila the Hun or Saddam Hussein.
So, join me next week when ill be returning with my scheduled posts, and as always, thank you for reading.

For any personal comments, hate or praise, ideas or simply anything, please feel free to contact me on facebook or twitter

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Click here for the Second Part

Click here for the Third Part

Click here for the Fourth Part

Click here for the Dishonorable Mentions


Talaat Pasha
Demourian Avet :Armenians mark massacre anniversary" The Boston Globe 25 April 2009
Talaat Pasha
The Three Pashas

Lady Elizabeth Bathory
Tony Thorne "Countess Elizabeth Bathory: Icon if evil" The Telegraph (29 June 2008)
Infamous Lady
Elizabeth Bathory the Blood Countess

Maximilien robespierre
"The Fundamental Ideas of Robespierre" Alfred Cobban
"Robespierre: A revolutionary Life" Peter McPhee personal archive
French Revolution History Channel

Ruhollah Khomeini
"History of Iran Ayatollah Khomeini"- Iran Chamber Society
Ayatollah ruhollah Khomeini Biography
Hezbollah Wikipedia

Joseph Mengele
Vivi Papanayotou "Skeletons in the Closet of German Science" Semtember 18 2005
Angel of Death
"The Children of Mengele" About Education
 "Joseph Mengele" Holocaust Ensyclopedia

Tomas de Torquemada
Simon Whitechapel "Flesh Inferno: Atrocities of Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition" 2003 Personal Archive
Tomas de Torquemada- Encyclopedia Britannica
Catholic Encyclopedia

Emperor Hirohito
The Guardian
Emperor Hirohito Biography
History Channel

King Leopold II
The Belgian Monarchy
Mass Crimes Against Humanity
Sir Arhur Conan Doyle "The Crime of the Congo 1909

Ivan IV The Terrible
History Channel
Ivan the Terrible Biography

Pol Pot
BBC Historic Figures
History Channel
"Genocide of the 20th Century" The History Place
"The death of Pol Pot" New York Times
"Pol Pot: Anatomy of a Nightmare" Philip Short 2005 Personal Archive

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Top Ten Week-The Most Evil People in History-Dishonorable Mentions

Reinhard Heydrich

Reinhard "The Hangman" Heydrich was the chief of the Third Reich's Security Office during the World War II. One of the most highest ranking officers in the Nazi party, he was was feared even by Adolf  Hitler himself, who described him as "the man with the iron heart". He is the one of the main architects of the Holocaust, and the one who found the false pretend for the Nazis to invade Poland. After being appointed a "governor" in Bohemia and Moravia, now the Czech Republic, he organised mass executions to ensure the Czech people cooperation. He died nine months after a failed assassination attempt, to which Gestapo Officials retaliated, by wiping out the entire village of Lidice.

Kim Il Sung

The dictator of North Korea for almost three decades, and the one responsible for the Korean War, which cost the lives of nearly 5.000.000 people. He utilised the same tactics of propaganda as the Nazis to convince his people to idolise him as a god, while he forced them into prisons and consecration camps for even the most petty crimes. He would execute the entire family of whoever was branded a criminal, and would torture his prisoners for months, and sometimes years.
By turning against his Soviet Allies, he became the one responsible for the Korean famine crisis, that killed over 3.000.000 people from 1994 to 1998.

Mao Zedong

A Chinese Marxist theorist, Mao Zedong led the Chinese revolution and form the communist party that would later found the Peoples Republic of China. He ruled with an iron fist and brought his nation to its knees, with his ill conceived goals to turn China into a force to mach the United States and the Soviet Union. He ordered the "Great Leap Forward", an act to transform China from a rural economy into an industrial one, but due to mismanagement, and the extremely high expectations to make a century's worth of advancement's in just a few decades, became the cause of the Great Chinese Famine of  1959. To this day its considered the biggest man made catastrophe, which is responsible for the deaths of over 40.000.000 people.

Joseph Stalin

Stalin was the dictator of the Soviet Union from 1929 to 1953. Under his Stalin, the Union was transformed from a peasant society into an industrial and military superpower. However, he ruled by terror and millions of his own people died during his brutal reign. He was involved in criminal activities as a young man, before entering the revolutionary politics, and after Lenin's death he seized control of the party, collectivizing farming, and sending potential enemies into forced labor camps. After the World War II, he engaged in an increasingly tense relationship with the West known as the Cold War. More than 20.000.000 died during his time in power.

Adolf Hitler

Not much are left to be told about the dictator of Germany and the primary instigator of the World War II, the biggest  most destructive man made event that has ever happened in human history. Over 80.000.000 people died collectively during his ambition to conquer the world, and establish the dominance of the so called Aryan race.

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*All sources will be posted on the final post of the list

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Monday, April 27, 2015

Top Ten Week-The Most Evil People in History part 4

Emperor Hirohito

Hirohito was born at the Aoyama Palace in Tokyo, and was educated at the Peer's School and at the Crown Prince's Institute, He became emperor of Japan on December 25, 1926, following the death of his father, the Taisho emperor, who was already retired due to mental illness. His reign was designated Showa, which meant "Bright Peace", and later became his posthumous name, as tradition suggests. When he assumed the throne, a universal male suffrage  law had just passed, and political parties were near the height of their pre war powers. However, a plunging economy, rising militarism and a series of political assassinations soon caused a crisis for the pro-democracy movement. Hirohito, who as an emperor was the nation's highest spiritual authority and commander in chief of the armed forces, essentially fired the prime minister in 1929. The next prime minister was was shot and mortally wounded, and in 1932 yet another prime minister was assassinated by naval officers upset about a treaty limiting the number of Japanese warships. From that point on, all prime ministers came from the military rather than from the political parties, which were disbanded altogether in 1940, More political violence occurred in 1935, when a lieutenant colonel slashed a general to death with a samurai sword, and in 1936, over 1,500 soldiers mutinied in Tokyo, seizing the army ministry and murdering several high ranking politicians.

Meanwhile, Japans conflict with China was growing. In 1931, Japanese army officers initiated the so-called Manchurian Incident, by detonating a railway explosion and blaming it on Chinese bandits. They then used the event as an excuse to take over Manchuria in northeastern China and set up a puppet state there, Excursions into other areas of the country soon followed and by 1937 war had broken out. That winter the Japanese army committed war crimes equal to Nazi Germany, by massacring an estimated 300.000 civilians and prisoners of war, in the area of Nanking, in what came to be known as The Nanking Rape. Children were slaughtered mercilessly, and women who survived the raping, were brought back to serve as prostitutes, or slaves. Even though it is not certain that Hirohito gave the order, we know he did not punished those responsible, and also authorised the use of chemical warfare.

On September 1940, Japan signed the Tripartite Pact with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, in which they agreed to assist one another should any of them be attacked by a country not already involved in the war. Japan send troops to occupy French Indochina that month, and over a year later Japanese planes bombarded the U.S naval base at Pearl Harbor, destroying 18 ships and killing 2.500 men, as retaliation for U.S.A's embargo on oil and steel.
Over the next seven months, Japan occupied the Dutch East Indies, British Singapore, New Guinea, the Philippines and a number of other locations in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, but the tide started turning at the Battle of Midway in June !942, and soon after at Guadalcanal. By mid 1944, Japanese military leaders recognised the loss was inevitable, yet the country did not stop fighting due to its code of honour, until after the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki the following August. On August 15 1945, 

Hirohito broke the Imperial Silence, a tradition of over 1.500 years, and announced Japans surrender with a radio broadcast. After the U.S occupied Japan, a new constitution was drafted, turning all political power to elected representatives, and turning the emperor into a mere symbol of the country. Hirohito was not indicted as a war criminal, as the U.S feared that it could throw the country into chaos.
Hie stayed to the throne for 64 years, the longest imperial reign in Japanese history. To this day, his wartime records remain a subject of much debate.

King Leopold II

Leopold was born in Brussels on April 9th 1835. He was the second child of the reigning Belgian monarch Leopold I, and his second wife, Louise, the daughter of King Louis Philippe of France. After becoming a king in 1865, Leopold, fervently believed that overseas colonies were the key to a county's greatness, and he worked tirelessly to acquire colonial territory for Belgium, while lending money from the government. after numerous unsuccessful schemes to acquire colonies in Africa and Asia, in 1876 Leopold organised a private holding company disguised as an international  scientific and philanthropic association, which he called the International African Society. In 1878, under the auspices of the holding company, he hired the famous explorer Henry Stanley to explore and establish a colony in the Congo region. Much diplomatic maneuvering among European nations resulted in the Berlin conference of 1884 regarding African affairs, at which representatives of fourteen European countries and the United States recognised Leopold as sovereign if most of the area to which he and Stanley had laid claim. On February 5 1885, the Congo Free State, an area 76 times larger than Belgium, was established under Leopold's personal rule and private army, the Force Publique. In reality the I.A.A was a vehicle to enslave the people of the Congo River Basin, enrich himself, and bring international prestige to relatively small Belgium. The 905.000 square miles of African rain forest held a vast fortune in rubber plantations, a commodity in high demand in the late 19th century industrial Europe.

Unable to read or write, the Congolese tribal chiefs, unwittingly sold their tribe member into a lifetime of slavery for some pieces of cloth. Such was the brutality of Leopold, that those who failed to meet the rubber quotas set by the Belgian officers, were routinely flogged with the chicote, a whip with sharp edges, that was often fatal after 50 strokes. His private mercenary force did most of his terrorising and torture, while the Belgian officers commanded native soldiers, many of whom were cannibals from other tribes, of kids who have been kidnapped from raids in the surrounding area, after their mother were killed. 

An officer described a raid to punish a village that had protested, in the following words. "The commanding officer ordered us to cut off the heads and sexual members of the men, and hang them on the village palisades, and to hand the women and children in the form of  a cross"
Mutilation, and especially the cutting of hands or genitalia was more than frequent among Leopold's men. His victims are estimated from 8.000.000 to 10.000.000 native Congolese.

Following the Independence of The Congo from Belgium in June 1960, Patrice Lumumba, leader of the Movement National Congeals, was elected Congo's first democratically elected president. Ten weeks later following a coup de tat headed by General Mobutu Sese Seko, Patrice Lummumba was murdered by firing squad. recent evidence suggest that the US and Belgium governments were involved. Mobutu who institutionalised corruption in the country apparently looted up to US dollars, before he was subsequently ousted by rebel leader L. Kabila. Kabila was assassinated in 2001, and after brief return to civil war, his son Josepph Kaliba, became democratically elected president in 2006, stabilising the Congolese government for the first time in 50 years.

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*All sources will be posted on the final post of the list

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Saturday, April 25, 2015

Top Ten Week-The Most Evil People in History part 3

 Joseph Mengele

Mengele was born the eldest o three children on March 16 1911, to Carl and Walburga Mangele in Gunzburg, Bavaria, Germany. He was an exceptional student with an interest in arts, music and sports. After finishing school, he on to study medicine and philosophy to the University Munich, where the headquarters pf the Nazi Party where located. He joined the paramilitary  organisation (Stahlheim, Bund der Frontsoldaten), which was later absorbed into the Nazi Storm Detachment, where he applied for SS membership.
In 1939, he studied medicine at the University of Frankfurt, and later he joined the Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene, where he developed his studies in physical anthropology and genetics. His published articles on genetic abnormalities and racial variations were considered breaking through at the time, ensuring Joseph a bright career in academics, which was interrupted by the declaration of the World War II. The ideological foundation of  Nazism, were identical to Mengele's beliefs, were elements of antisemitism, racial hygiene, and eugenics, were brought together with pan-Germanism, and territorial expansion that Germany needed to obtain for its Lebensraum (ling space). The Nazis planned to do this by attacking Poland and the Soviet Union intending to deport or kill the Jews and Slavs that lived there, and considered inferior to the Aryan master race.
Joseph was called to service in the armed forces in June 1940, a few months after the outbreak of the war, He soon volunteered for medical service in the Waffen-SS, where he attained the rang of second lieutenant, until November. He was then assingned to the SS Race and Resettlement Main Office in Posen, were he evaluate candidates for Germanisation, and in June 1941 was posted in Ukraine where he was awarded the Iron Cross. In January 1942 he joined the SS Panzer Division as a medical officer, where he was wounded in battle, and awarded the the Iron Cross First Class, as well as the Wound Badge in Black and the Medal for the Care of the German people. 
After being seriously wounded in action he was deemed unfit for combat, and transferred to Berlin's Race and Resettlement Office, and a few months before his last transfer, was promoted to SS Captain.

Joseph Mengele was a radical Nazi, and an enthusiast of the MAster Race idea and in early 1943, he seized the opportunity to take place in Hitler's final Solution, the plan to eliminate all Jews from Europe. After being encouraged by von Verchuer, head of of the Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology and Genetics, he applied for transfer to the concentration camp service, where he foresaw the opportunity to undertake genetic research on human subjects. After his application was accepted, he was transferred to Auschwitz appointed to the position of chief physician of the Romani camp, where he selected those deemed able for work, and those unfit for labor that would immediately be killed.
Mengele, who was a member of the team of doctor that conducted this selections, was present, even when he was not assign to a selection, hoping to find subjects for his experiments. He was particularly interested in twins. It is worth mentioning that contrary to most doctors assingned to the selection team, who viewed this process as of their most stressful and horrible duties, Mengele undertook the task with a flamboyant air, always smiling, or whistling a tune. He used his position as an opportunity to continue his anthropological studies and research o heredity, using inmates for human experimentation. The experiments were unscientific and had no regard for the health and safety of his victims. He was particularly interested in identical twins, people heterochromia iridum (eyes of tow different colours), dwarfs and people with any kind of abnormalities. His was provided a grand form the German Research Foundation, with the help of his colleague von Verschuer, who received regular reports and shipments of specimens from Mengele. He build his own laboratory, and immediately began his research with twins. He wanted to prove the supremacy of heredity, and bolster the Nazi premise of the Aryan race.

Mengele during his experiments on twins

Twins were subjected to weekly examinations ,measurements of the physical attributes. His experiments included unnecessary amputation of the limbs, intentionally infecting one twin with typhus or other deadly deceases, and transfusing the blood of twin to the other. Most of his "patients" died during these procedures.
After an experiment was over the twins were  killed and their bodies dissected. Mengele's assistant recalls  one occasion where he  personally killed fourteen twins in one night via a chloroform injection to the heart. If one twin died, he would immediately kill the other as well so he could run post-mortem comparative reports. He was also experimenting on eyes, trying to change the color by injecting chemicals into them, and killing people with hetero chromatic eyes, so he could remove them and send them to Berlin for study. His experiments on dwarfs and people with physical abnormalities included taking physical measurements with unnecessary drugs and X-rays. many of the victims were send to the gas champers after about two weeks and their skeletons were also sent to Berlin for further study. He was always looking for pregnant women, on whom he would perform his horrifying experiments, before sending them to the gas chamber. Witnesses report that he once sewed two Romani twins together back to back in an attempt to create conjoint twins. The children died of gangrene after several days of pain.After Auschwitz was captured by the Red Army Joseph Mengele was able to escape and flee to North America. First in Argentina, where he worked as a carpenter and a vet, Having eluded the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, he settled in Sao Paulo. He suffered a stroke in 1979, while swimming and drowned. In the mid 90's a historians findings shocked the world when he found out that Mengele, posing as a doctor, using a mobile laboratory, conduct numerus experiments in the small farming community, neat the Brazilian borders, of Candito Godi. The birthrate of twins is an astonishing 1 in 80, and all of the children were blond, with blue eyes, suggesting that Mengele was successful in his plan of creating a master race. The village is known as "The Land of the Twins".

The Land of the Twins
Children from the village of Candito Godi

Out the 1.500.000 deaths that were recorded in Auschwitz, over 400.000 were ordered by Joseph Mengele. He is forever remembered as the Angel of Death,

Tomas de Torquemada

Europe, the Great Old Continent, is home to 50 countries, each with its own rich culture and history, its the birth place of bright ideas that shaped the world of today, like the Western Philosophy from Ancient Greece, or the Industrial Revolution from England. Unfortunately, its also the protagonist in some of history's most dark pages, like the Spanish Inquisition.
Medieval Spain was once the only multiracial and multireligius country in western Europe, and much of its development of its literature, architecture and arts stemmed from this fact. The populace of Jews had served the country and its monarchs well, providing an active commercial class and an educated elite for many administrative posts. However, by the late 14th century, the status of the Jews in Christian Spain began to change. Their former monarch protectors  began to restrict the rights and privileges of the Jews, after being led by the Catholic Church to believe, that the Black Death was a plot devised by the Jews to destroy Christianity. Animosity toward the Jews was stimulated further by Jewish converts to Christianity who issued polemics against their former coreligionists. Calls for the expulsion or prosecution of the Jews were answered by anti Jewish riots in 1348 and 1391. The pogroms of 1391 were especially significant because of the subsequent mass conversion of Jews to Christianity in response to the violence perpetrated against them.

The conversos (Jews that adopted Christianity after a severe prosecution) and marranos (Jews who converted to Christianity to escape persecution, but continued to practice Judaism in secret), became a highly controversial group throughout Spain. Many of these converted Jews and their descendants assumed important positions in government and society and associated themselves with powerful noble families. They also achieved economic power and prosperity, which inspire increasing hatred of them by the 'old Christians", who already questioned the sincerity of their conversions. Indeed, although there were many devout Christians among the conversos, there were also those who were at most agnostic converts, and the marranos. Their wealth created jealousy and their uncertain conversions hatred in a population that traditionally saw itself as the defender of Christianity against the infidel. The Catholic Monarchs, Ferdinand II of Aragonia and Isabella I of Castile, ever good tacticians as ever, profited from this feeling. In 1478, they first obtained a papal bull, from Sixtus IV setting up the Inquisition, to deal with the conversos whose conversions were thought to be insincere. Since the Spanish Inquisition was constituted as a royal court, all appointments were made by the crown, and no appeals were allowed to the Vatican. 

King Ferdinand and Isabelle

With its army of lay familiars, who were exempts from normal jurisdiction and who acted both as bodyguards and as informers for the inquisitors, and with its combination of civil and ecclesiastical powers, the Spanish Inquisition a formidable weapon in the armory of royal absolutism. Their secret procedures, its eagerness to accept denunciations, its use of torture, the absence of counsel for the accused, the lack of any right to confront hostile witnesses, and the practise of confiscating the property of those who were condemned and sharing it between the Inquisition, the crown and the accusers inspired great terror, as indeed it was meant to do. 

Inquisitors used a variety of torture methods to attain information about the heretics whereabouts

In early 1482 the pope went on to appoint a number of inquisitors for the Spanish Kingdoms, including Torquemada, the personal confessor and counsel of Isabelle I. Torquemada, who hailed from a family of conversos, was deeply afraid of the Marranos, as a menace to Spain's welfare by their increasing religious and economic influence. He was able to successfully spread propaganda against them throughout Spain and in just a under a year he was named Grand Inquisitor which he remained until his death. In the 15 years under his direction, the Spanish Inquisition grew form a single tribunal in Seville to a network of two dozen "Holy Offices", helping Torquemada in his quest to rid Spain of all heresy. Under his personal edict of March 31 1492, approximately 200.00 Jews were forced to leave Spain, and 50.000 took baptism so as to remain. During his time as Grand Inquisitor, more than 2.000 people branded as heretics were burned at the stake in the ritual of acto da fe (act of faith), and over 19.000 brutally tortured and mutilated. 

Massive "acto da fe"

Nowadays, the term "Torquemada' is a synonym for heartless cruelty.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Top Ten Week-The Most Evil People in History part 2


    Maximilien Robespierre

The Spring of 1789, is one of the most important dates of history. That summer, the events that took place were about to change the word, and shape up our version of modern society. The French Revolution, a grand upheaval, literally uprooted centuries of old ideas, and lead Europe into a brighter future of democracy and equality. But, no revolution is velvet, and no matter how noble the motives could be, absolute power, always corrupts absolutely, and Robespierre is not an exception.

Liberty leading the people-Eugene Delacroix- 1830
Born on Arras in 1758, Maximilien Francois Marie de Robespierre suffered tragedy early in his life. His mother died when he was six, and a few months later, his father abandoned him and his siblings, who were brought up by elderly relatives. Maximilien was the eldest, a hard working, conscientious, scholarship boy. As soon as he was able to shoulder the burden of caring for his younger siblings, after becoming a lawyer like his father, he took his family under his protection, and lead a quiet and blameless life in his home town. He soon became known for defending the poor and underprivileged, and for his passionate speeches in the local academy.

In 1789, when he was in his early thirties, the Revolution was declared. an event that would transform his destiny, and him. He launched himself in the political maelstrom that would immerse him for the rest of his life. During the first two years of the revolution, in witch the Estates General became the National Assembly,  Maximilien spoke frequently in that body, but, as he was deeply influenced by Enlightenment philosophers, such as Rousseau and Montesquieu, his extremely democratic ideas, his emphasis on civil liberty and equality, his uncompromising rigidly in applying these ideas, and his open hostility to all authority, won him little support in this moderate legislature. He favored giving the right of vote to all men, and he opposed slavery. His mistake was only, that he was way ahead of his time. 
Luckily he found followers of his ideas in the Jacobin Club, the most important of the revolutionary clubs where people debated events and his stance won him a reputation among the sans-culottes (the common people of the lower class), and on the radical left, but the earlier years of the revolution were dominated by men who had no wish to see the power turned to the commoners, yet Robespierre persisted, as a spokesman of the opposition undaunted, tireless and consistent.

Robespierre giving a speech to the Jacobi Club
From the spring of 1792 onward France was involved in a spiral of war, revolt and civil war. Counter revolutionaries were plotting the restoration of the absolute monarchy with the support of the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II. The Girodins which were the dominant revolutionary faction in the Legislative Assembly at the time, spearheaded the drive for an aggressive war with the empire, declaring war on April 1792. 
Robespierre himself had long warned of the dangers of provoking counter revolution. He had tried to oppose the war because he believed it would divide France and provide support for the counter revolutionaries. Nor he shared Brissot's (leader of the Girodin Club) beliefs, that the people of Europe would welcome an invading French army, even one who claimed to bring liberty and equality. "No one welcomes armed liberators" he claimed, and while he kept his stance, he became unpopular, and politically isolated.
By the summer of 1792, his fears were realized. The army far from being victorious was on the verge of defeat and suffered greatly by lack of organization, and inexperienced troops. When people turned to him for advise, he suggested that King Louis was siding with the Austrian and Prussian armies, which were now threatening Paris itself. In August the monarchy was overthrown in the battle of Tuileries palace, and a new republic government, the National Convention was established in September. Robespierre's ascendancy in the political ladder was now unrivaled, thus marking the begging of his transformation
When the fate of the King, who was now a prisoner of the rebels, was debated in the convention, Maximilien claimed that "the king must die, in order for a revolution to live". Even though he had yet to abandon his libertarian convictions, he was coming to a conclusion that the ends justified the means. By October of 1793, Robespierre, was rushed to power with the full support of the San-culottes, who were now demanding blood. They wanted total freedom, in order to maintain their new found militia status, and Maximilien delivered. By the end of the month, most members of the Girondin, as well as Marie-Antoinette, followed the king's fate in the guillotine, thus beginning the Age of Terror. It is worth mentioning that for the first time in history, the terrorists were the government it self, and absolute violence was voted legally by the National Convention. "It is time that equality bore its scythe above all heads [...]" ,  Robespierre proclaimed. 

Caricature depicting Robespierre executing the executioner, after everyone is dead
Not counting the 200.000 dead of the civil war of Nantes in the same year, Robespierre's Age of Terror made the heads of 40.000 people to roll, all over France. 

Robespierre's desire for change was not limited to the political realm. He openly opposed the catholic church and the pope, and especially was opposed to its celibacy policies. Having denounced the excesses of dechrianisation, he sought to instill a spiritual resurgence in the France nation based on Deist beliefs. Accordingly, on May 7th 1794, Maximilien supported a decree passed by the Convention that established an official religion, known historically as the Cult of the Supreme Being. The notion of the supreme being was based on ideas that Jean-Jacques Rousseau had outlined in "The Social Contract" A nationwide "Festival of the Supreme Being" was held on June 8th, which is also the day of the christian holiday Pentecost. The festivities were held in the Champ de Mars, and Robespierre, who is now president of the Conversion, presented him self as a leader of the people for the first time. 

Festival of the Supreme Being

Even though Robespierre's delight couldnt be disrupted by his colleagues negativity, there were many who began to believe that he was taking things a bit too far. Reportedly, Jacques-Alexis Thuriot, one of his closest colleagues, was heard saying "look at the bugger, its not enough for him to be leader, he wants to be God". On that day many of his guests began to believe that the government was turning into a dictatorship, thus ensuring Maximilien Robespierre's downfall.

On May 23rd 1794, a failed assassination attempts against Collot d'Herbois, made Robespierre believe  that the lives of other government members could also be in danger. He introduced the Decree of 22 Prairial, which allowed the Comity of Public Safety, to freely execute anyone who thought to be suspicious without trial. The line was crossed when George-Jacques Danton, a key figure in the revolution and the overthrow of monarchy, was executed under unverified information of bribery by enemies of the revolution. After Robespierre failed to justify his actions under the Conventions accusations. His arrest was ordered by vote of the National Convention, which was  a coup d'etat against the Jacobin Club, known as the Themidorian Reaction.
After a failed attempt to rally the sans-culottes to defend him, Robespierre and his follower withdrew to the Hotel de Ville, and soon after were declared outlaws. When the forces of the Convention arrived at two in the morning, Robespierre attempted to kill himself with a pistol but only managed to shatter his lower jaw.
He was guillotined without trial at the Place de la Revolution, at July 28th 1794 along with his last remaining followers.
His last recorded words were "Merci monsieur'" , to a man who had given him a handkerchief for the blood in his face.

The execution of Robespierre

Maximilien Robespierre remains one of the most controversial figures of history to this day. Apart from one suburban Metro station and a few streets named after him, there no memorials nor monuments to him in France. Most people consider him a blood thirsty monster that was in love with the guillotine, while others the embodiment of virtue and total commitment, who remained incorruptible until the end. His goal in The Terror was to use the guillotine to create what he called a "republic of virtue", wherein terror and virtue, his principles, would be imposed. He thought of it as a tool to accomplish his overachieving goals for democracy, "a democracy for the people, who are intrinsically good and pure if heart, a democracy in which poverty is honorable, power innocuous, and the vulnerable safe from oppression. A democracy that worships nature, not as what it really is, cruel and disgusting, but nature sanitized, majestic and above all, good"

A murderous psychopath, or man with plans above our understanding, that willingly took up the role of the evil master, and the hate of the people, so that his country could be reborn anew, with philosophical foundation, instead of religious? In virtue, instead of corruption?
The only sure thing is, that even to this day, the story of Maximilien Robespierre, still fascinates historians and biographers worldwide, as one of the most enigmatic figures of history.

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

Born on September 24, 1902, Ruhollah Mousavi whose given name means "inspired of God" was born into a family of Shi'ite religious scholars in the small Iranian village of Khomein. He would later take his hometown as his surname and become known by his more famous moniker, Ruhollah Khomeini. In 1903, just five months after Khomeini's birth, his father, Seyed Moustafa Hindi, was murdered.
Khomeini was raised by his mother and an aunt, Sahebeh, both of whom died of cholera in 1918. The responsibility for the family then fell to Khomeini's older brother, Seyed Mourteza. The family claimed to be descendants of the Prophet Muhammad. Both brothers were avid religious scholars like their forefathers, and both attained the status of Ayatollah, which is given only to Shi'ite scholars of the highest knowledge.  As a young boy, Khomeini was lively, strong, and good at sports. He was even considered the leapfrog champion of his village and the surrounding area. Far from being dedicated only to games, though, Khomeini was also an intellectual. He was known for his great ability at memorizing both religious and classical poetry, and also excelled at his studies at the local maktab, a school dedicated to teaching the Qu'ran. Because of his scholarly success, Khomeini's older brother decided to send him to the city of Arak (or Sultanabad) in 1920. There, Khomeini studied with the renowned Islamic scholar Yazdi Ha'iri. Ha'iri left Arak for the city of Qom in 1923, and Khomeini followed. There, he committed all of his efforts to furthering his own religious studies while also becoming a teacher for younger students at Ha'iri's school.
When Ha'iri died in the 1930s, the Ayatollah Boroujerdi succeeded him as the most important Islamic figure in Qom. As a result, Boroujerdi gained Khomeini as a follower. It is interesting to note that both Ha'iri and Boroujerdi believed that religion should not involve itself with government affairs. So, while the leader of Iran, Reza Shah, weakened the powers of religious leaders and promoted a more secularized country, the most powerful religious figures in Iran remained silent and encouraged their followers to do the same. Moreover, the same deference was encouraged when Reza Shah's son, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, turned to the U.S. for help quelling protests for democratic reforms in Iran's capital, Tehran, in the 1950s. One of those who were muted by the beliefs of the senior religious leaders was Khomeini. Unable to speak out against what he saw as a country leaving its Islamic roots and values behind, Khomeini turned his efforts toward teaching. He began to cultivate a group of dedicated pupils who became his staunchest supporters during his days as an Islamic revolutionary. On March 31, 1961, Ayatollah Boroujerdi died and Khomeini was in a position to take up the mantle left by the late religious leader. After publishing his writings on Islamic science and doctrines, many Shi'ite Iranians began to see Khomeini as Marja-e Taqlid (a person to be imitated). In 1962, Khomeini began protesting the intentions of the Shah in earnest. His first act of defiance was to organize the ulama (religious leaders) against a proposed law of the Shah's that would effectively end the requirement for elected officials to be sworn in on the Qu'ran. This action was just the beginning in a long string of events that would change Iranian politics forever.
Follower of Khomeini protesting for his release
In June 1963, Khomeini made a speech suggesting that if the Shah did not change the political direction of Iran, the populace would be happy to see him leave the country. As a result, Khomeini was arrested and held in prison. During his incarceration, people took to the streets with cries for his release, and were met by the government with military force. Even so, it was nearly a week before the unrest was resolved. Khomeini was held in prison until April 1964, when he was allowed to return to Qom.
The Shah continued to cultivate close ties with the United States, and to be what Khomeini considered "soft" on Israel. This prompted Khomeini to pronounce his belief that Jews would take over Iran and that the U.S. considered all Iranians to be little more than slaves to America's Western ideals. After delivering another inflammatory speech in the fall of 1964, Khomeini was arrested and deported to Turkey. Prevented by Turkish law from wearing the traditional clothes of a Shi'ite cleric and scholar, Khomeini took up residence in Najaf, Iraq in September 1965. He remained there for 13 years. In 1975, crowds gathered for three days at a religious school in Qom and could only be moved by military force. In response, Khomeini released a jubilant statement in support of the protesters. He declared that "freedom and liberation from the bonds of imperialism" was imminent.
A tending to her infant, wounded during the fighting between the rebels and the regime

More protests occurred in 1978 in Khomeini's defense, and were again put down violently by Iranian government forces. In the wake of these protests, the Shah felt that Khomeini's exile in Iraq was too nearby for comfort. Soon thereafter, Khomeini was confronted by Iraqi soldiers and given a choice: either stay in Iraq and abandon all political activity, or leave the country. He chose the latter. Khomeini moved to Paris, which was to be his last place of residence before his triumphant return to Iran. The year of his return was 1979, mere months after his move to Paris. Students, the middle-class, self-employed businessmen, and the military all took to the street in protest. The Shah turned to the U.S. for help, but ultimately had to leave the country himself in the face of the revolution at his doorstep. Despite statements such as the one he made in Paris, Khomeini was widely acknowledged as the new leader of Iran, and came to be known as the Supreme Leader. He returned home to cheering crowds, and began laying the groundwork for the Islamic state he had for so long been imagining.
Khomeini's triumphant return after his exile
During this period, he put other clerics to work on writing an Islamic constitution for Iran. He also began iterating more authoritarian sentiments than before: "Don't listen to those who speak of democracy. They all are against Islam. They want to take the nation away from its mission. We will break all the poison pens of those who speak of nationalism, democracy, and such things."
Meanwhile, the Shah needed a place to serve out his exile. It became known that the Shah was ill with cancer. With this in mind, the U.S. reluctantly allowed the Shah to enter the country. In protest, a group of Iranians seized more than sixty American hostages at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran on November 4, 1979. Khomeini saw this as a chance to demonstrate the new Iranian defiance of Western influence.
The hostage crisis of the U.S embassy
The new Iranian government and the Carter Administration of the U.S. entered a standoff in that wouldn't end until after Ronald Reagan's inauguration in late January of 1981, under the pressure of sanctions and oil embargoes imposed by the U.S. on Iran. This is now known as the Iranian Hostage Crisis.
Once in power, the Ayatollah Khomeini was no more sympathetic to the cries of the secular left than the Shah had been to Khomeini's cries for reform. Many who protested against his regime were killed, and Khomeini had his doctrines and beliefs taught in public schools. He also ensured that clerics sympathetic to his beliefs filled the government ranks, from the smallest town all the way to his own office.
Khomeini's military  forces, mural Tehran

Moreover, Khomeini believed that the ideas on which the new Iran had been built needed to be, in his words, "exported." Iraq and Iran had long been in territorial dispute over border areas and claims on petroleum reserves. Sensing an opportunity, on September 22, 1980, Iraq’s leader, Saddam Hussein launched an attack by land and air against Iran. Hussein hoped to catch Iran, weakened by revolution. Though Iraq made some early gains, but June, 1982, the war wore down to a stalemate that lasted another six years. Finally, after hundreds of thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars were lost, the UN brokered a cease-fire in August, 1988, which both sides accepted. Khomeini called this compromise "more deadly than taking poison." Khomeini is also well known for releasing a fatwa (a legal document issued by a Muslim cleric) calling for the death of Indian-British author Salman Rushdie for his book The Satanic Verses in 1989. The book is a work of fiction that can be interpreted as depicting the Prophet Mohammed as a false prophet, and casts considerable doubt on many Islamic beliefs.
Salman Rushdie, author ft The Satanic Verses
Shortly after the Rushdie fatwa was declared, the Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini died, on June 3, 1989. Iran remains a religion-based society, and Khomeini's life's work and decade of rule will no doubt continue to influence the country far into the future.
More than 1.200.000 people died during Khomeini's call for revolution. His most fanatic followers founded Hezbollah, one of the most infamous terrorist groups that would became responsible for some of the most notorious terrorist attacks, with the Cinema Rex fire being consider as the largest act of terrorism prior to the 9/11 2001, with over 500 victims. It is widely believed that Ayatollah Khomeini, is the "father" of terrorism.

Tehran 1977, one of the most famous beauty salons in the city

Girl students in chemistry class, University of Tehran 1977

Women are now forced to wear the chador, after Khomeini's rise to power

Tehran 2000

Thank you for reading

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*All sources will be posted on the final post of the list

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